Dog Control Officer
Preston Boulé - (518) 307-3311
The Dog Control Officer is responsible for the safety of the general public to maintain the dog population within the Town of Newcomb while following state regulations and laws along with local law. New York State Law requires that all dogs must be licensed in the Town, City or Village where the dog is harbored at the age of 4 months. For new dog licenses, a current rabies certificate and a spay/neuter certificate, if applicable, is required. For a renewal, a rabies certificate, if required, must be presented. (The rabies vaccination must be in effect for at least one full month after the issued date of the license.) The fee for an UN-neutered or UN-spayed dog is $15.00; for a neutered or spayed dog it is $5.00.
You may renew your dog licenses with the Town Clerk’s Office.
Nuisance Wildlife Complaints
The Dog Control Officer does not handle nuisance wildlife complaints. These inquiries should be directed to a pest control service specializing in nuisance wildlife removal or the NYS DEC.
Please contact the Town Hall if you have concerns or to report dog related issues.
The Town of Newcomb will posts photos of any lost or found dogs on the Facebook Page: Town of Newcomb Facebook