Town Supervisor

Robin T. DeLoria


The Supervisor is an elected official and voting member of the Town Board. The Supervisor is also a member of the Essex County Board of Supervisors and may serve as the Chairman of the County Board of Supervisors, should that body elect him/her to that position. The Supervisor prepares the meeting agenda for the Board and presides over all meetings of the Town Board. The supervisor also serves as the Budget Officer and Treasurer of the Town. In the absence of the Supervisor, the Deputy Supervisor serves in his/her absents.

The full Powers and Duties of the Town Supervisor are found in NYS Town Law, Section 29


Deputy Supervisor 

Wester Miga


During the absence or inability to act of the supervisor, or while the office of supervisor is vacant, the deputy supervisor shall preside, when present, at the meetings of the town board and shall be vested with all of the powers and may perform all of the duties of the supervisor under this chapter or any other law, except that he shall have no vote in his capacity as deputy supervisor on matters coming before the town board and he shall not serve as a member of the county board of supervisors.

Supervisor’s Office